Red color mean more love and more feelings like this bouquet of red carnation. This flower gives your more love for your love ones. This is a symbol of love and care. Available Options ADD ONS 1pc red rose in a box (+ ৳450.00 ) Glass Candle (+ ৳350.00 ) Birthday Mug (+ ৳350.00 ) Cute Small Bear 6 inch (+ ৳350.00 ) Chocolates (Ferrero) (3pcs) (+ ৳350.00 ) Birthday Card (+ ৳150.00 ) Anniversary / Love Card (+ ৳150.00 ) Glass Vase for 1 to 24pcs steam (+ ৳650.00 ) Happy Birthday Balloon (+ ৳200.00 ) I Love you Latex Balloon (+ ৳100.00 )